The real question you might be asking yourself now is “Who is this James and Jennifer Clendenin anyways, and how can they help ME?”
Well, we’re gonna first introduce ourselves, and then we’ll share our business with you… this is the same one we use to generate a six figure income from the comfort of our home.
Professionally, I spent 21 years in the military, several years as a real estate entrepreneur, a mortgage reduction counselor, and a network marketer. My wife Jennifer and I have been married over 18 wonderful years and we live in Sunny (most of the time), Florida with our cat, Leona.
Since 1995, we’ve been earning a full-time income within the network marketing and direct sales industry. We enjoy an incredible sense of security, peace of mind and time-freedom because we’ve created a stream of passive income … that way, if we want to vacation in Hawaii for a month, we can, as long as we find someone to feed the kitty!
Our Interview in Networking Times
Over 20 years ago, I began my own home-based business. But after running a few traditional businesses for several years, I soon found out that all I really owned was a full-time job disguised as a business…
Not enough hours in the week. I learned that you still can’t trade hours for dollars and at the same time, get ahead. That equation works against you, so I decided to educate myself and find out how to leverage my time and money using un-traditional methods.
And although we’ve earned over $36K in one month (documented), there’s no magic to what we do or what we’ve accomplished. We just keep an open mind, educate ourselves and try lots of things. Some work out, some don’t.